Hello Everyone!
So there are so many things that I want to write about but once again we had a packed p-day! I'll try to make it fast and give you all the information that i know you are just dying to know.
So as far as investigators go. Ksenija told us this past week that she no longer wanted to get with us and that baptism was no longer a priority because she has everything that she was looking for already (good company etc). It made us really sad and so we gave her number to the elders to see if they could make some progress with her that we couldn't. They called her and she was very excited to start having lessons with them. Another stab to the heart for us. But at least she is keeping in contact with missionaries and hopefully really does still want to be baptized...we'll see where it goes. Elena also said that she wanted to take a break for a little while. Tadeja contacted us finally and said she isn't going to be back in Slovenia until September...so once again her baptismal date is being moved back. Urša is on vacation for 3 weeks! We miss her sooo much already but we gave her some good talks and activities to do each week to keep her spiritually strong. it was so cute she sent us a text message on Sunday asking us to tell everybody hi for her at church and also asked us to text her what we learned! She is just too good! Also this week we got 3 new investigators! one from what was supposed to be English class, one as a member referral, and another from a friend of one of our English class students! It is pretty amazing! I'm sure I'll have more about them this next week.
We also had a companion exchange this week. I was with Sister Hagemeister in Ljubljana. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot from her. She really knows the language well even though she has only been here for 1 transfer more than me and it helped me a lot to be with her!
Sister Oakley and I visited 2 inactive members and they both came to church on Sunday! it was so great and we really hope they will keep coming. They are both from Serbia and live in a little community about an hour bus ride from our house. It was such a cute little area and they are both very welcoming. We had a little miracle happen too. We were trying to find Aiša's house and were really struggling. We had never met Aiša before but we had met Dragica and had been trying to call her for a long time with no success. AS we were trying to find Aiša's house Dragica came out and saw us. She helped us find the right place and we found out that we had had the wrong number the whole time! It was so good and we were able to get together with her the next day as well. The Lord is so good to us!
Anyway, today we went to škocjanske jame, these really cool caves with one of our English class students/investigators and her daughter and it was really fun! But i don't have a ton of time...I think I got everything that I wanted to in though!
I love you all and hope life is going well for you!
Sestra Powell
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