Hello Everyone!
This week is going to have to be a short one! Yesterday everything was closed so today we only have an hour and a half to email and go shopping for the week! I'm really sorry if I don't get to email some of the family back, know that I love you and truly appreciate your emails!
This week we had our concert in Croatia! I felt the spirit even more strongly during this concert than the last time we sang even though my voice didn't make it through the last song! It was very powerful:)
For easter we had a fun little activity with Lucija and the Taylors. We had dinner and then dyed easter eggs and guess what I found out!? Brown Eggs dye really cool-- or the dye in Slovenia is way darker than the stuff in America! The were pretty cool looking! I'll attach a picture if I have time! After that we had a really neat thought with Lucija about Christ's atonement and resurrection. She is really struggling and is starting to have a lot of health problems because of her problem with alcohol. It really makes me nervous and we pray for her every day to be able to pull out of this rut. She is such a sweet woman and we want her to be O.K!
Yesterday for P-day we went to a lake here called Lake Bohinj. It was really pretty but it rained on us pretty hard and I didn't even have my rain jacket! Joj. But that was a big part of the fun! Guess what!? This is the last week of my 1st transfer! We don't know what is going to happen yet but i hope we will find out wednesday. I have already learned so much and it is amazing to me how the Lord has helped me along in this first 2 months. I know that He hears and answers my prayers and that He loves all of us very much.
I Love you all! Thank you for everything!
Sestra Powell
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